The Malaysian Child & Adolescent Wellbeing (MCAW) Study
References are inserted as links in the text below. Blue hyperlinks will take you to journal articles, videos, news reports or additional information about this study.
The Critical Contribution & Relevance for 2018 & Beyond
Reports over the past 15 years show increase in psycho-social distress among youth in Malaysia.
At the same time we observe increase in youth problems in schools and the workplace. MCAW has two key contributions: 1. In promoting the inclusion of psycho-social well-being as a measure of youth development in the country (that is distinct from and more than merely measuring psycho-social distress). 2. In pursuing the likelihood of how social supportiveness in schools can increase psycho-social well-being and reduce psycho-social distress. This study builds on my experience and prior work on large-scale studies in Communities That Care across close to 100 communities in Pennsylvania. It feeds my passion in addressing issues of depression and suicide in young people, and in showing how specific support and developmental assets can promote Positive Youth Development. Much of the work here has been used in applied research, particularly in our launching of Mentoring Malaysia that was funded by UNICEF (co-developed by Gomez & Ang, 2006). Grant FundingMCAW was supported by the United States Fulbright Program, The Prevention Research Center at Penn State, and two grants I received from Jacobs Foundation and Search Institute.
The Big Picture
This presentation will focus on School Supportiveness and Psycho-social Well-being.
A basic psychological need of adolescents is for supportive relationships with adults and peers (Erickson, 1968). Child development researchers and sociologists both emphasize the value of strong supportive social relationships (e.g., attachment and friendships) to family, peers and the community that provide caring, empathy, and social problem-solving skills (Moore, Evans, Brooks-Gunn, & Roth, 2001). There is a positive relationship between social support and psychological well-being in adolescents (Rosenfeld et al., 1998). Broad-based social support is seen as contributing to adjustment and development, and is a powerful buffer and protective factor in resilient children and adolescents, both in western societies and in Asian adolescents (Clark, 1991; Coie et. al., 1993; Richman & Bowen, 1997; Takakura & Sakihara, 2001).
Markers of Adolescent Psychosocial Wellbeing
Positive Sense of Self
Prosocial Orientation
Personal Control
Markers of School Psychosocial Support
School Teacher
School Peer
Social Competency Building Support
Supportive School Environment
A paper-and-pencil self-report instrument was developed for classroom administration. Items were first translated into Malay (the primary medium of instruction in Malaysian schools) by the investigators who are bi-lingual. Most items had response options ranging from 1 = Not at all or Rarely, to 4 = Extremely or Almost Always.
Want to take a peek at the survey, contact us at ARCCADE @ Gmail . com
Comparative Economic Sufficiency (CES) is used as a proxy for SES, given challenges in measuring socioeconomic status in Malaysian adolescents. This 3-item scale included respondent’s perception and awareness of their own and their family’s ability to afford basic daily needs, condition of the neighborhood they live in, and how they compare their economic status to other students in their school.
PWB Scale Development using Exploratory and Confirmatory Factor Analysis
Correlations of all variables studied are in the hypothesized direction.
How did we determine the relationship between school support variables and wellbeing variables?
We used hierarchical linear regressions where in…..
•In Step 1, we control for the effects of school (school 3 acts as the reference), grade level, gender (boys = 0, girls = 1), and CES; and
•In Step 2, we add our School support variables.
There are 3 separate regression results shown in the table below:
We used hierarchical linear regressions where in…..
•In Step 1, we control for the effects of school (school 3 acts as the reference), grade level, gender (boys = 0, girls = 1), and CES; and
•In Step 2, we add our School support variables.
There are 3 separate regression results shown in the table below:

The above looks too complicated? Below is an easier way to see the results:
In all three regressions, the assumption for independent errors is tenable as Durbin-Watson values are close to 2. Multicollinearity is not detected as VIF values are all well below 10 and tolerance statistics all well above 0.2. Average VIF for each regression is not greater than 1. All regressions have 96% (or more) cases with standardized residuals within ±2. No outliers were detected with large enough leverage to influence the regressions.
School supports account for
STS, SPS, SCB, and SSE are significantly associated with all three markers of adolescent wellbeing, with β-weights of .11, .10, .13, .21 for PS; .05, .19, .26, .26 for PO; and .07, .09, .14, .19 for PC.
For all three indicators of psychosocial well-being, there is very little variance explained by interaction variables entered in Step 3 of the regressions (ΔR2 = .01, .00, and .01 for positive sense of self, pro-social orientation, and resistance skills respectively; not shown in the table above). Meaning, gender does not moderate much the relationship between school supportiveness and the above three well-being markers.
- 15% of the variance for PS,
- 28% for PO, and
- 7% for PC.
STS, SPS, SCB, and SSE are significantly associated with all three markers of adolescent wellbeing, with β-weights of .11, .10, .13, .21 for PS; .05, .19, .26, .26 for PO; and .07, .09, .14, .19 for PC.
For all three indicators of psychosocial well-being, there is very little variance explained by interaction variables entered in Step 3 of the regressions (ΔR2 = .01, .00, and .01 for positive sense of self, pro-social orientation, and resistance skills respectively; not shown in the table above). Meaning, gender does not moderate much the relationship between school supportiveness and the above three well-being markers.
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