Coaching / Mental Health: Interventions & Resilience-Building
Dr B is passionate in working alongside people and organizations struggling with everyday life, behavioural, relationship and emotional issues; and /or who want to excel in key areas of their lives. From finding their strengths to nurturing resilience, Dr B journey's with them as they observe changes in their lives, their work, and their relationships.
Having worked with adolescent clients in the US, and with undergraduates in Malaysia, Dr B also continue to see clients who aim to sort out emotional challenges and work towards their psychosocial wellbeing. Helping them center, share their stories, and experience healing. |
Experience Wellness & Happiness |
Its Alright. We're here for You |
Scope of Coaching / Therapy
Professional Coaching
Age Group: 18 – 58 years old
Coaching / Therapy Tools Used
Individual and/or Group Coaching with a focus in:
Assessments Used
Assessments my clients do (where needed/appropriate):
* Dr B does not provide assessments for court-related / legal issues.
* Psychologists do not fall under Lembaga Kaunseling, and there’s no current licensing procedure in Malaysia.
* Dr B is not a psychiatrist. He does not prescribe medication/drugs/herbal supplements.
* Dr B is not a clinical or school psychologist; Clinical or medical issues are referred to other specialists. This includes eating disorders, substance use, schizophrenia, severe cognitive impairments, autism, severe phobias, sexual disorders and severe personality disorders. Herein, Dr B works in collaboration with clinical psychologists, psychiatrist and neurologists.
Professional Coaching
- keeness to be great in your career roles
- leadership development
- managing behaviors of downlines
- career transitions
- stress management
- increasing behavioral safety on the ground
- life changes
- health changes and emotional challenges arising from illness (eg cancer, autoimmune, IBS, cardio)
- emotional wellbeing
- depression
- suicide ideation
- anxiety
- relationship difficulties (family/ friends / romantic partners)
- dealing with grief
- academic stress
- issues arising from pandemic
- adjustment issues
- self-esteem
- mild ADHD
- mild developmental adjustments in school/university
Age Group: 18 – 58 years old
Coaching / Therapy Tools Used
Individual and/or Group Coaching with a focus in:
- cognitive-behavioral therapy
- humanistic therapy
- psycho-educational
- mindfulness
- creative expression
- strength and resilience-based approach (positive psychology)
- pastoral support & wellness coaching
Assessments Used
Assessments my clients do (where needed/appropriate):
- Structured interviews (eg. intake interviews, diagnostic interviews)
- Behavioral assessments and observations
- Cognitive & mood assessments eg. BDI – Beck Depression Inventory, Relational assessments eg family maps,
- Risk & Protective Factors Mapping,
- Quality of Relationship Inventory
- Personality assessments
- Projective assessments eg Thematic Apperception Test
* Dr B does not provide assessments for court-related / legal issues.
* Psychologists do not fall under Lembaga Kaunseling, and there’s no current licensing procedure in Malaysia.
* Dr B is not a psychiatrist. He does not prescribe medication/drugs/herbal supplements.
* Dr B is not a clinical or school psychologist; Clinical or medical issues are referred to other specialists. This includes eating disorders, substance use, schizophrenia, severe cognitive impairments, autism, severe phobias, sexual disorders and severe personality disorders. Herein, Dr B works in collaboration with clinical psychologists, psychiatrist and neurologists.
Contact Dr B: |
Brendan is a knowledgeable and engaging psychologist who has a deep understanding of the needs of children and youth. He is an excellent speaker, develops strong rapport with youth as well as colleagues, and has a broad understanding of the ways that we can build resilience in young people, in schools, and with parents. He is passionate and his enthusiastic style and strong communication skills has allowed him to work in a wide variety of settings including universities, schools, youth development programs, as well as industry and the corporate world. He has worked internationally in numerous contexts and I recommend his services for consulting on complex problems including building healthy and enduring relationships ~ Professor Dr Mark Greenberg, Founding Director of the Prevention Research Center, Pennsylvania State University & Chairperson at CREATE for Education